Grand Tetons near Jackson, WY

Grand Tetons from Jackson, WY.

Popular and Modern Culture Blog

Don't be fooled by the title. A concerning trend in the United States is assigning a title to legislation that has little or nothing to do with the content of the document. While I applaud those that use valid techniques to gain consensus, we have stretched the use of a title as a strategy to discredit anyone with an alternative view. [September 15, 2023]

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Much reporting is done by amateurs with little or no formal training. While the Internet has expanded the reach of common people, it has also resulted in the proliferation of poor-quality information. If you fancy yourself as an independent journalist, please learn the fundamentals of the trade. At a minimum get the essential information to the top of a report. [June 25, 2023]

Why are you screaming for justice? Society is screaming for social justice and to cancel the offenders, but why is this the case? Turns out our brain's biology is against us, and there are physiological reasons for the self-appointed morally superior to reinvent the Spanish Inquisition. [June 11, 2023]